Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
extending far in or back from the front or from an edge, surface, opening, etc., considered as the front
the deep part of a body of water, esp. an area of the ocean floor having a depth greater than 18,000 ft. (5400 m).
Baseball . at or to a deep place or position
- The outfielders played deep, knowing the batter's reputation as a slugger.
go off the deep end
- to enter upon a course of action with heedless or irresponsible indifference to consequences.
- to become emotionally overwrought.
- shallow , frivolous , ignorant , superficial , trivial , unintelligent , aboveboard , artless , open , flighty , light , pale , quiet , soft
- abysmal , abyssal , below , beneath , bottomless , broad , buried , deep-seated , distant , downreaching , far , fathomless , immersed , inmost , low , profound , rooted , subaqueous , submarine , submerged , subterranean , sunk , underground , unfathomable , wide , yawning , abstruse , acute , arcane , complex , concealed , delphic , difficult , discerning , esoteric , hard to understand , heavy * , hermetic , hidden , incisive , intricate , learned , mysterious , obscure , occult , orphic , penetrating , recondite , sagacious , secret , serious , sibylline , wise , artful , astute , canny , contriving , crafty , cunning , designing , foxy , guileful , insidious , intriguing , keen , knowing , plotting , sharp , shrewd , sly , tricky , wily , abstracted , centered , concentrated , enfolded , engaged , fixed , focused , intent , into , lost , musing , preoccupied , rapt , set , wrapped , wrapped up , bass , booming , dark , extreme , full-toned , grave , great , hard , low-pitched , low-toned , resonant , rich , sonorous , strong , vivid , intense , alto , contralto , cavernous , endemic , grum , guttural , incomprehensible , inexplicable , ingrained , inveterate , navigable , nethermost , unfathomed
- blue * , brine , briny * , davy jones’s locker , drink * , main , middle , ocean , poseidon’s realm , the high seas , abysm , abyss , chasm , depth , gulf , absorbed , abstruse , abstrusity , abysmal , below , bottomless , complete , complex , cunning , dark , entangled , focused , grave , heavy , insidious , intense , intent , involved , low , nadir , penetrating , philosophical , profound , profundity , sea , serious , sly , thorough , vivid
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