Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- accredited , approved , authentic , authenticated , authoritative , bona fide , canonical , cathedral , ceremonious , certified , cleared , conclusive , correct , customary , decided , decisive , definite , endorsed , established , ex cathedra , ex officio , fitting , formal , legitimate , licensed , okay * , ordered , orthodox , positive , precise , proper , real , recognized , rightful , sanctioned , suitable , true , [[validnotes:an official (noun) is one who holds or is invested with an office or a referee or umpire in a game or sport - (adjective) having official authority or of or relating to an office; officious means marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed]] , standard , authorized
- administrator , agent , big shot * , boss , brains , brass * , bureaucrat , ceo , chancellor , civil servant , commissioner , comptroller , dignitary , director , exec , executive , front office * , functionary , governor , head person , higher-up , incumbent , leader , magistrate , manager , marshal , mayor , minister , officeholder , officer , panjandrum , premier , president , representative , secretary , top * , top brass , top dog , top drawer , [[treasurernotes:an official (noun) is one who holds or is invested with an office or a referee or umpire in a game or sport - (adjective) having official authority or of or relating to an office; officious means marked by excessive eagerness in offering services or advice where they are neither requested nor needed]] , administrant , aide , alderman , alderwoman , ambassador , apparatchik , chairman , constable , councilman , councilwoman , dean , envoy , incumbency , inquisitor , judge , mandarin , notary , notary public , officialdom , officiary , ombudsman , referee , selectman , tribune , umpire
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