Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
adapted or appropriate to the purpose or circumstances; fit; suitable
- the proper time to plant strawberries.
- improper , unacceptable , unsuitable , crass , crude , misbehaving , objectionable , incorrect , substandard , unconventional , general , inappropriate
- able , applicable , appropriate , apt , au fait , becoming , befitting , capable , competent , convenient , decent , desired , felicitous , fit , fitting , good , happy , just , legitimate , meet , qualified , right , suited , true , useful , by the book , by the numbers * , comely , comme il faut , conforming , correct , decorous , demure , de rigueur * , genteel , in line , kosher * , moral , nice , polite , precise , priggish , prim , prissy , prudish , punctilious , puritanical , refined , respectable , seemly , solid , square * , stone , straight * , strait-laced * , stuffy * , absolute , accepted , accurate , arrant , complete , consummate , customary , established , exact , formal , free of error , on target , on the button , on the nose * , on the right track , orthodox , out-and-out * , unmistaken , usual , utter , characteristic , distinctive , idiosyncratic , own , particular , peculiar , private , respective , special , specific , tailor-made , expedient , suitable , deserved , due , merited , rightful , de rigueur , principled , righteous , right-minded , virtuous , bluenosed , old-maidish , strait-laced , stuffy , victorian , acceptable , advisable , allowable , appertinent , apposite , canonical , chaste , condign , conformable , consistent , conventional , ethical , fine , honest , kosher , ladylike , lawful , licit , opportune , sedate , seeming , strict
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