Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Philosophy .
- constructive and sure, rather than skeptical.
- concerned with or based on matters of experience
- positive philosophy.
consisting in or characterized by the presence or possession of distinguishing or marked qualities or features ( opposed to negative )
Electricity .
- of, pertaining to, or characterized by positive electricity.
- indicating a point in a circuit that has a higher potential than that of another point, the current flowing from the point of higher potential to the point of lower potential.
Chemistry . (of an element or group) tending to lose electrons and become positively charged; basic.
Grammar . being, noting, or pertaining to the initial degree of the comparison of adjectives and adverbs, as the positive form good. Compare comparative ( def. 4 ) , superlative ( def. 2 ) .
Medicine/Medical .
- (of blood, affected tissue, etc.) showing the presence of disease.
- (of a diagnostic test) indicating disease.
(of government) assuming control or regulation of activities beyond those involved merely with the maintenance of law and order.
Photography . denoting a print or transparency showing the brightness values as they are in the subject.
Machinery . noting or pertaining to a process or machine part having a fixed or certain operation, esp. as the result of elimination of play, free motion, etc.
- positive lubrication.
- absolute , actual , affirmative , assured , categorical , clear , clear-cut , cocksure * , cold * , complete , conclusive , concrete , confident , consummate , convinced , decided , decisive , direct , downright , explicit , express , factual , firm , forceful , forcible , genuine , hard , inarguable , incontestable , incontrovertible , indisputable , indubitable , irrefutable , out-and-out * , outright , perfect , rank , real , specific , sure , thorough , thoroughgoing , unambiguous , undeniable , unequivocal , unmistakable , unmitigatednotes:positive is the ordinary form of a word , with comparative conveying the sense of greater intensity of the adjective and superlative reflecting the greatest intensity of the adjective , constructive , effective , efficacious , forward-looking , good , practical , productive , progressive , reasonable , sound , usefulnotes:positive is the ordinary form of a word , precise , unassailable , undisputable , unquestionable , certain , undoubting , all-out , arrant , crashing , damned , dead , flat , out-and-out , plain , pure , sheer , total , unbounded , unlimited , unmitigated , unqualified , unrelieved , unreserved , arbitrary , assertive , beneficial , catagorical , cocksure , definite , definitive , dogmatic , emphatic , empirical , helpful , opinionated , peremptory , plus , self-assured , substantive , thetical , unconditional , undisputed , useful , veritable
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