Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object), -suaded, -suading.
- actuate , advise , affect , allure , argue into , assure , blandish , brainwash * , bring around , bring to senses , cajole , coax , convert , counsel , draw , enlist , entice , exhort , gain confidence of , get , impel , impress , incite , incline , induce , influence , inveigle , lead , lead to believe , lead to do , move , prevail upon , prompt , propagandize , proselyte , proselytize , reason , satisfy , seduce , sell , stroke , sway , talk into , touch , turn on to , urge , wear down * , wheedle , win argument , win over , woo , work overnotes:you convince someone to believe - but persuade someone to actto persuade is to get someone to do something; to convince is to get someone to think something , bring , convince , prevail on , argue , brainwash , canvass , coerce , expostulate , finagle , lobby , lure , smooth-talk , soft-soap , suborn , tempt , tout , wangle
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