Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object), brought, bringing.
Verb phrases
bring around or round,
- to convince of a belief or opinion; persuade
- I think we can bring him around to agreeing with the plan.
- to restore to consciousness, as after a faint.
- to bring as a visitor
- They brought around a new employee this morning.
bring down,
- to injure, capture, or kill
- He brought down several ducks on his last hunting trip.
- to lessen; reduce
- I won't buy that lamp unless they bring down the price.
- Slang . to cause to be in low spirits; depress
- The bad news brought him down.
bring forth,
- to give birth to; deliver; bear
- to bring forth a son.
- to give rise to; introduce
- to bring forth a proposal for reducing costs.
bring in,
- to yield, as profits or income
- My part-time job doesn't bring in much, but I enjoy it.
- to present officially; submit
- The jury brought in its verdict.
- to cause to operate or yield
- They brought in a gusher on his property.
- to present for consideration, approval, etc.; introduce
- She brought in six new members last month.
bring on,
- to cause to happen or exist; bring about
- This incident will surely bring on a crisis.
- to introduce; cause to appear
- Bring on the clowns.
bring out,
- to expose; reveal.
- to make noticeable or conspicuous in a contrast.
- to publish, as a book or play.
- to introduce officially into society
- to bring out a debutante.
- attend , back , bear , buck * , carry , chaperon , companion , conduct , consort , convey , deliver , escort , fetch , gather , guide , gun * , heel * , import , lead , lug , pack , pick up , piggyback , ride , schlepp * , shoulder , take , take along , tote , transfer , transport , truck , usher , begin , compel , contribute to , convert , convince , create , dispose , effect , engender , force , induce , inflict , make , move , occasion , persuade , prevail on , prevail upon , produce , prompt , result in , sway , wreak , afford , bring in , draw , earn , gross , net , return , sell for , yield , appeal , arraign , cite , declare , indict , initiate legal action , institute , prefer , serve , sue , summon , take to court , argue into , bring around , get , sell , talk into , bring about , bring on , effectuate , generate , ingenerate , lead to , secure , set off , stir , touch off , trigger , realize
phrasal verb
- bring , bring on , effect , effectuate , generate , induce , ingenerate , lead to , make , occasion , result in , secure , set off , stir , touch off , trigger , argue into , convince , get , prevail on , sell , talk into , restore , resuscitate , revivify , cut down , down , fell , flatten , floor , ground , knock down , level , prostrate , strike down , throw , overturn , subvert , topple , tumble , unhorse , deliver , have , clear , draw , earn , gain , gross , net , pay , produce , realize , repay , yield , carry out , carry through , execute , put through , bring about , issue , put out , raise , rear , introduce , moot , put forth
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