Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Zoology .
- one of the thin, flat, horny plates forming the covering of certain animals, as snakes, lizards, and pangolins.
- one of the hard, bony or dentinal plates, either flat or denticulate, forming the covering of certain other animals, as fishes.
Botany .
- Also called bud scale. a rudimentary body, usually a specialized leaf and often covered with hair, wax, or resin, enclosing an immature leaf bud.
- a thin, scarious or membranous part of a plant, as a bract of a catkin.
a coating or incrustation, as on the inside of a boiler, formed by the precipitation of salts from the water.
- calibration , computation , degrees , extent , gamut , gradation , hierarchy , ladder , order , pecking order * , progression , proportion , range , ranking , rate , ratio , reach , register , rule , scope , sequence , series , spectrum , spread , steps , system , waynotes:octave is the distance covered by any eight notes of a scale ; a scale is a series of eight notes played in alphabetical order , film , flake , incrustation , lamina , layer , plate , scurfnotes:octave is the distance covered by any eight notes of a scale ; a scale is a series of eight notes played in alphabetical order , desquamation , diapason , exfoliation , furfuration , lamella , leprosity , ramentum , scaliness , squama
- clamber , escalade , escalate , go up , mount , surmountnotes:octave is the distance covered by any eight notes of a scale ; a scale is a series of eight notes played in alphabetical order , adjust , balance , calibrate , compare , compute , estimate , gauge , graduate , proportion , prorate , regulate , sizenotes:octave is the distance covered by any eight notes of a scale ; a scale is a series of eight notes played in alphabetical order , decorticate , pare , peel , strip , climb , ascend , calibration , continuum , covering , degree , desquamate , exfoliate , film , gamut , gradation , hierarchy , instrument , measure , order , ranking , rate , ratio , rule , size , spectrum , spread , weight
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