Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a certain quantity or amount of one thing considered in relation to a unit of another thing and used as a standard or measure
a charge by a common carrier for transportation, sometimes including certain services involved in rendering such transportation.
at any rate
- in any event; in any case.
- at least
- It was a mediocre film, but at any rate there was one outstanding individual performance.
- amount , comparison , degree , estimate , percentage , progression , quota , relation , relationship , relative , scale , standard , weight , allowance , charge , cost , dues , duty , figure , hire , price , price tag , quotation , tab , tariff , tax , toll , valuation , clip , dash , flow , gait , gallop , hop , measure , motion , movement , pace , spurt , tempo , time , tread , velocity , incidence , metabolism , proportion , speed
- adjudge , admire , appraise , apprise , assay , assess , button down , calculate , class , consider , count , deem , determine , esteem , estimate , evaluate , fix , grade , guess at , measure , peg , pigeonhole * , price , put away , put down as , put down for , rank , reckon , redline , regard , relate to standard , respect , score , set at , size up * , stand in with , survey , tab * , tag , take one’s measure , think highly of , typecast , valuate , value , weigh , be accepted , be favorite , be welcome , be worthy , deserve , earn , merit , prosper , succeed , triumph , gauge , judge , size up , categorize , classify , distribute , group , pigeonhole , place , range , gain , get , win , bawl out , berate , account , amount , assessment , censure , charge , chide , clip , cost , degree , expense , fare , fee , pace , percentage , proportion , quality , ratio , reprove , scale , scold , speed , standard , tariff , tax , tempo , velocity
tác giả
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