• Slice

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a thin, flat piece cut from something
    a slice of bread.
    a part, portion, or share
    a slice of land.
    any of various implements with a thin, broad blade or part, as for turning food in a frying pan, serving fish at the table, or taking up printing ink; spatula.
    Sports .
    the path described by a ball, as in baseball or golf, that curves in a direction corresponding to the side from which it was struck.
    a ball describing such a path.
    Tennis . a stroke executed by hitting down on the ball with an underhand motion and thus creating backspin.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cut into slices; divide into parts.
    to cut through or cleave with or as if with a knife
    The ship sliced the sea.
    to cut off or remove as a slice or slices (sometimes fol. by off, away, from, etc.).
    to remove by means of a slice, slice bar, or similar implement.
    Sports . to hit (a ball) so as to result in a slice.

    Verb (used without object)

    to slice something.
    to admit of being sliced.
    Sports .
    (of a player) to slice the ball.
    (of a ball) to describe a slice in flight.


    combine , unite

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