• Verb (used with object)

    to name, write, or otherwise give the letters, in order, of (a word, syllable, etc.)
    Did I spell your name right?
    (of letters) to form (a word, syllable, etc.)
    The letters spelled a rather rude word.
    to read letter by letter or with difficulty (often fol. by out )
    She painfully spelled out the message.
    to discern or find, as if by reading or study (often fol. by out ).
    to signify; amount to
    This delay spells disaster for us.

    Verb (used without object)

    to name, write, or give the letters of words, syllables, etc.
    He spells poorly.
    to express words by letters, esp. correctly. ?

    Verb phrases

    spell down, to outspell others in a spelling match.
    spell out,
    to explain something explicitly, so that the meaning is unmistakable
    Must I spell it out for you?
    to write out in full or enumerate the letters of which a word is composed
    The title Ph.D. is seldom spelled out.

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