• Verb (used without object)

    to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate.
    to express hatred, contempt, etc., by or as if by ejecting saliva from the mouth.
    to sputter
    grease spitting on the fire.
    to fall in scattered drops or flakes, as rain or snow.

    Verb (used with object)

    to eject from the mouth
    The children were spitting watermelon seeds over the fence.
    to throw out or emit like saliva
    The kettle spits boiling water over the stove.
    to set a flame to.


    saliva, esp. when ejected.
    the act of spitting.
    Entomology . spittle.
    a light fall of rain or snow. ?

    Verb phrase

    spit up, to vomit; throw up
    The wounded soldier spat up blood. If you jostle the baby, she'll spit up.


    spit and image. Also, spitting image
    spit 'n' image. Informal . exact likeness; counterpart
    Hunched over his desk, pen in hand, he was the spit and image of his father at work.

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