Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- accept , acclaim , admire , applaud , appreciate , approbate , be big on , commend , countenance , esteem , face it , favor , go along with , grin and bear it , handle , like , live with , praise , put up with , regard highly , respect , roll with punches , string along with , take up on , think highly of , accede , accredit , acquiesce , advocate , affirm , agree , assent , authorize , back * , bless * , boost , buy , buy into , certify , charter , concur , confirm , consent , dig * , empower , encourage , endorse , establish , get behind , give go-ahead , groove * , hats off to , lap up , license , maintain , make law , make valid , mandate , okay , permit , pronounce , push for , ratify , recommend , sanction , seal , second , sign , sign off on , stump for , subscribe to , support , thumbs up * , uphold , validate , hold with , allow , let , adopt , pass , back , compliment , initial
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