• Noun

    a body of honeybees that emigrate from a hive and fly off together, accompanied by a queen, to start a new colony.
    a body of bees settled together, as in a hive.
    a great number of things or persons, esp. in motion.
    Biology . a group or aggregation of free-floating or free-swimming cells or organisms.
    Geology . a cluster of earthquakes or other geologic phenomena or features.

    Verb (used without object)

    to fly off together in a swarm, as bees.
    to move about, along, forth, etc., in great numbers, as things or persons.
    to congregate, hover, or occur in groups or multitudes; be exceedingly numerous, as in a place or area.
    (of a place) to be thronged or overrun; abound or teem
    The beach swarms with children on summer weekends.
    Biology . to move or swim about in a swarm.

    Verb (used with object)

    to swarm about, over, or in; throng; overrun.
    to produce a swarm of.



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