Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Education, Psychology . the performance of an individual or sometimes of a group on an examination or test, expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol.
Informal .
- the basic facts, point of progress, etc., regarding a situation
- What's the score on Saturday's picnic?
- a successful move, remark, etc.
Music .
- a written or printed piece of music with all the vocal and instrumental parts arranged on staves, one under the other.
- the music itself.
- the music played as background to or part of a movie, play, or television presentation.
Slang .
- a success in finding a willing sexual partner; sexual conquest.
- a purchase or acquisition of illicit drugs, as heroin or cocaine.
- a single payoff obtained through graft by a police officer, esp. from a narcotics violator.
- a successful robbery; theft.
- any success, triumph, happy acquisition, gift, or win.
- the victim of a robbery or swindle.
Verb (used with object)
Music .
- to orchestrate.
- to write out in score.
- to compose the music for (a movie, play, television show, etc.)
Cookery . to cut ridges or lines into (meat, fish, etc.) with shallow slashes, usually in a diamond pattern, before cooking.
- account , addition , aggregate , amount , average , count , final count , grade , mark , number , outcome , rate , reckoning , record , result , stock , sum , summary , summation , tab , tally , charts , composition , music , orchestration , transcript , amount due , bill , charge , debt , grievance , grudge , injury , injustice , invoice , statement , total , scotch , scratch , slash , army , cloud , drove , flock , horde , host , legion , mass , mob , multitude , ruck , swarm , throng
- add , calculate , chalk up , count , enumerate , keep tally , rack up * , reckon , record , register , tally , total , accomplish , amass , arrive , attain , chalk up * , connect , flourish , gain , gain advantage , get * , hit pay dirt , impress , luck out , make a killing , make an impression , make the grade , notch , procure , prosper , pull off * , put over , reach , realize , secure , take the cake , thrive , triumph , win , cleave , crosshatch , deface , furrow , gash , gouge , graze , groove , indent , line , mark , mill , scrape , scratch , serrate , slash , slit , adapt , arrange , compose , orchestrate , set , post , grade , blister , drub , excoriate , flay , lash , rip into , scarify , scathe , scorch , scourge , slap , achieve , boom , go , account , amount , average , basket , composition , cut , debt , enter , evaluate , goal , grievance , grudge , judge , number , obligation , outcome , point , rate , reason , reckoning , result , run , scotch , succeed , summary , tab , text
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