• Revision as of 13:33, ngày 14 tháng 11 năm 2007 by (Thảo luận)
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    /Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện/

    Thông dụng

    Giới từ

    According to theo, y theo
    according to the archives, he was born in Paris (not in London)
    theo hồ sơ lưu trữ, hắn chào đời ở Pari (chứ không phải ở Luân Đôn)
    each one is commended according to his merits
    mỗi người đều được khen thưởng tuỳ theo công lao của mình

    Liên từ

    According as tùy theo
    every employee is salaried according as he is able
    mỗi nhân viên đều được hưởng lương tùy theo khả năng của mình

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    On the authority of, consistent with, in conformityor agreement with, as said or believed or maintained etc. by:We are going to play this game according to Hoyle. According tohis lawyer, he should never have been acquitted. 2 conformableto, consistent with, in conformity with, commensurate with: Thequeen greeted them in order, according to rank.



    (foll. by to) a as stated by or in (according to mysister; according to their statement). b in a mannercorresponding to; in proportion to (he lives according to hisprinciples).
    (foll. by as + clause) in a manner or to adegree that varies as (he pays according as he is able).

    Tham khảo chung

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