• Revision as of 02:39, ngày 29 tháng 12 năm 2007 by Ngochung2301 (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Danh từ

    Bãi cỏ, đồng cỏ
    Bãi cỏ, thảm cỏ (ở công viên)
    please, keep off the grass; do not walk on the grass
    xin đừng đi lên cỏ, xin đừng giẫm lên bãi cỏ
    ( số nhiều) cây thân cỏ
    (ngành mỏ) mặt đất
    to bring ore to grass
    đưa quặng lên mặt đất
    (từ lóng) măng tây
    (thông tục) mùa xuân
    she will be two years old next grass
    mùa xuân sang năm nó sẽ lên hai

    Ngoại động từ

    Để cỏ mọc; trồng cỏ
    Đánh ngã sóng soài
    Bắn rơi (chim); kéo (cá) về đất liền; đưa (quặng) lên mặt đất
    Căng (vải...) trên cỏ để phơi

    Y học

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cỏ citromila grass cây sả

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Inform, betray, give away, Slang peach, squeal, snitch,squeak, tattle, rat on, sell out, Brit blow the gaff, nark: Hereceived a shorter sentence for grassing on his accomplices.
    Traitor, informer, Slang stool-pigeon, stoolie,squealer, snitch, squeaker, rat, Brit nark: A grass is treatedroughly by fellow inmates.


    N. & v.

    A vegetation belonging to a group of smallplants with green blades that are eaten by cattle, horses,sheep, etc. b any species of this. c any plant of the familyGramineae, which includes cereals, reeds, and bamboos.
    Pasture land.
    Grass-covered ground, a lawn (keep off thegrass).
    Grazing (out to grass; be at grass).
    Brit. sl. an informer, esp. a police informer.
    The earth's surface above a mine; the pit-head.
    Tr. cover with turf.
    Tr. US provide withpasture.
    Brit. sl. a tr. betray, esp. to the police. bintr. inform the police.
    Tr. knock down; fell (an opponent).5 tr. a bring (a fish) to the bank. b bring down (a bird) by ashot.
    Ordinary people, esp. as voters; the rank and file ofan organization, esp. a political party. grass skirt a skirtmade of long grass and leaves fastened to a waistband. grasssnake 1 Brit. the common ringed snake, Natrix natrix.
    US thecommon greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis. grass tree = BLACKBOY.grass widow (or widower) a person whose husband (or wife) isaway for a prolonged period. grass-wrack eel-grass. not letthe grass grow under one's feet be quick to act or to seize anopportunity.
    Grassless adj. grasslike adj. [OE gr‘s f. Gmc,rel. to GREEN, GROW]

    Tham khảo chung

    • grass : National Weather Service
    • grass : amsglossary
    • grass : Corporateinformation
    • grass : Chlorine Online
    • grass : Foldoc

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