Chuyên ngành
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Glimpse, peek, peep, scan, look, Colloq Brit have a shuftior shufty at, take a dekko at: I've only had time to glance atthe report.
Reflect, glint, glisten, shimmer, twinkle, gleam,shimmer, flicker, glimmer, sparkle, scintillate, glitter, flash:A ray of sunlight glanced off the windows opposite.
Bounce(off), reflect, ricochet, rebound, carom: The stone glanced offthe pavement and struck my leg.
Glimpse, peek, peep, look, coup d'oeil, Colloq gander,Brit shufti or shufty, dekko: She turned and gave him aquestioning glance, As he fingered the tip of his fer-de-lance.5 gleam, glint, glimmer, shimmer, twinkle, sparkle,scintillation, glitter, flicker, flash: The silver light, withquivering glance, Played on the water's still expanse.
Tham khảo chung
- glance : National Weather Service
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