Thông dụng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Caption, inscription, headline,head, subtitle, legend, subhead, rubric: The title on thispicture has nothing to do with its subject.
Right,interest, privilege, entitlement, ownership, possession, tenure;(title-)deed, documentation of ownership: My aunt has soletitle to these lands.
Name, call, designate, style, label, term, entitle,christen, baptize, nickname, denominate, tag, dub: Harold wastitled King of the Revels.
A the contents of the title-page of a book. b a book regardedin terms of its title (published 20 new titles).
A form of nomenclatureindicating a person's status (e.g. professor, queen) or used asa form of address or reference (e.g. Lord, Mr, Your Grace).
Law a the right to ownership ofproperty with or without possession. b the facts constitutingthis. c (foll. by to) a just or recognized claim.
Eccl. a afixed sphere of work and source of income as a condition forordination. b a parish church in Rome under a cardinal.
Title-deed a legal instrument asevidence of a right, esp. to property. title-page a page at thebeginning of a book giving the title and particulars ofauthorship etc. title role the part in a play etc. that givesit its name (e.g. Othello). [ME f. OF f. L titulus placard,title]
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MC-MR, Black coffee, Luong Nguy Hien, Trần Quang Long, Nguyễn thị Hồng Nhung, Admin, Trang , Nothingtolose, Khách
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