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Ngông cuồng, rồ dại, liều mạng, thiếu đắn đo suy nghĩ, bừa bãi
- wild opinions
- những ý kiến ngông cuồng rồ dại
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Undomesticated, untamed, unbroken, savage, feral: Theonly four-legged animals inhabiting the island were wild pigs.2 uncultivated, uninhabited, waste, desert, desolate, virgin,unpopulated, empty, trackless, barren, lifeless; deserted: Thecottage overlooks an expanse of wild moorland.
Savage,uncivilized, barbarous, primitive, rude, uncultured,uncultivated, brutish, barbaric, fierce, ferocious: Some earlyexplorers studied the wild people they encountered in far-offlands. 4 uncontrolled, unrestricted, unrestrained, untrammelled,unbridled, unfettered, unshackled, free, unchecked, lively,impetuous, unconventional, undisciplined, disobedient,insubordinate, self-willed, wayward, mutinous, rowdy(ish),boisterous, unruly, tumultuous, turbulent, tempestuous,uproarious; uncontrollable, unmanageable, ungovernable,intractable, unrestrainable: Peter led quite a wild youth. Wecannot cope with their wild behaviour after they have had toomuch to drink. 5 mad, maniac(al), crazed, crazy, irrational,distracted, frenzied, frantic, distraught, hysterical, raving,raging, unhinged, demented, delirious; berserk; run amok oramuck: William had a wild look about him. Nellie has beendriven wild by the pressures of business. 6 exciting, excited,vehement, passionate, romantic, turbulent, chaotic, tempestuous,reckless, madcap: At the time, Ernest was having a wild loveaffair with Charles's widow. 7 absurd, irrational, unreasonable,extravagant, fantastic, imprudent, foolish, foolhardy,impractical, impracticable, unpractical, unworkable, ridiculous,reckless, silly, giddy, flighty, madcap, outrageous,preposterous, bizarre, strange, odd, peculiar, Colloq offbeat:He lost thousands on some wild scheme for reducing shippingcosts by filling bubble packing with helium. 8 tousled,wind-blown, unkempt, dishevelled, untidy, disordered,disorderly, messed-up, Colloq mussed-up: Her hair was in wilddisarray.
Adj., adv., & n.
(of an animal or plant) in itsoriginal natural state; not domesticated or cultivated (esp. ofspecies or varieties allied to others that are not wild).
A intensely eager; excited, frantic (wildwith excitement; wild delight). b (of looks, appearance, etc.)indicating distraction. c (foll. by about) colloq.enthusiastically devoted to (a person or subject).
Sport an extra player or team chosen to enter acompetition at the selectors discretion. wild cat any ofvarious smallish cats, esp. the European Felis sylvestris (cf.WILDCAT). wild-goose chase a foolish or hopeless andunproductive quest. wild horse 1 a horse not domesticated orbroken in.
(in pl.) colloq. even the most powerful influenceetc. (wild horses would not drag the secret from me). wildhyacinth = BLUEBELL 1. wild man of the woods colloq. anorang-utan. wild rice any tall grass of the genus Zizania,yielding edible grains. wild silk 1 silk from wild silkworms.2 an imitation of this from short silk fibres. Wild West thewestern US in a time of lawlessness in its early history.
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