Thông dụng
Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Thinking, reflection, reflecting, meditation, meditating,contemplation, contemplating, cogitation, cogitating, musing,pondering, rumination, ruminating, brooding, mental activity,mentation, brown study; brainwork, cerebration, deliberation,deliberating, consideration, considering: She was deep inthought. The solution may require considerable thought. 2 idea,notion, brainstorm, observation: I have a thought that I'd liketo share with you.
Consideration, contemplation, planning,plan, scheme, design, intention, expectation, hope, prospect,anticipation, dream, vision: Any thought of taking a few daysoff had to be abandoned.
Thoughtfulness, consideration,kindliness, kind-heartedness, concern, compassion, tenderness,kindness, sympathy, attentiveness, regard, solicitude: I don'tneed any help, but I appreciate the thought.
Often, thoughts.recollection(s), memory or memories, remembrance(s),reminiscence(s): Now and then he comforted himself withthoughts of his happy childhood.
Intellect, intelligence,reasoning, rationality, ratiocination, reason: Some believethat only humans are capable of thought.
Bit, trifle, touch,small amount, trace, soup‡on, little, tinge: This champagne isa thought too sweet.
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