Reverie, day-dream, delusion, fantasy, hallucination,illusion, vision, mirage, pipedream, (flight of) fancy,speculation: When I awoke I realized that my winning thelottery had just been a dream.
Imagine, fancy, conjure up, hallucinate: I dreamt Idwelt in marble halls.
N. & v.
A a series of pictures or events in the mind ofa sleeping person. b the act or time of seeing this. c (infull waking dream) a similar experience of one awake.
Aday-dream or fantasy.
An ideal, aspiration, or ambition, esp.of a nation.
A beautiful or ideal person or thing.
A stateof mind without proper perception of reality (goes about in adream).
V. (past and past part. dreamt or dreamed) 1 intr.experience a dream.
Tr. imagine in or as if in a dream.
(usu. with neg.) a intr. (foll. by of) contemplate thepossibility of, have any conception or intention of (would notdream of upsetting them). b tr. (often foll. by that + clause)think of as a possibility (never dreamt that he would come).
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