Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a person or thing conceived as embodying such a conception or conforming to such a standard, and taken as a model for imitation
- absolute , archetypal , classic , classical , complete , consummate , excellent , exemplary , fitting , flawless , have-it-all , indefectible , optimal , paradigmatic , pie-in-the-sky , prototypical , quintessential , representative , shangri-la * , supremenotes:ideal means conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence; idealistic means of or pertaining to idealists or their theories , pursuing perfection , abstract , chimerical , dreamlike , extravagant , fanciful , fictitious , high-flown , hypothetical , imaginary , intellectual , in the clouds , ivory-tower , mental , mercurial , notional , out-of-reach , quixotic , theoretical , transcendent , transcendental , unattainable , unearthly , unreal , utopian * , visionarynotes:ideal means conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence; idealistic means of or pertaining to idealists or their theories , model , perfect , supreme , hypothetic , theoretic , aerial , doctrinaire , faultless , idealistic , messianic , paradisaical , paradisical , platonic , poetic , romantic , sentimental , utopian , visionary
- archetype , criterion , epitome , example , exemplar , goal , idol , jewel , last word * , mirror , nonesuch , nonpareil , paradigm , paragon , pattern , perfection , prototype , standardnotes:ideal means conforming to an ultimate standard of perfection or excellence; idealistic means of or pertaining to idealists or their theories , pursuing perfection , beau ideal , standard , aspiration , absolute , abstract , apotheosis , appearance , canonization , classic , cogitation , conception , conceptual , deification , design , dream , embodiment , exemplary , fancy , fantasy , figure , flawless , ideal , idealization , ideology , image , imaginary , imago , impression , incarnation , inkling , maxim , messianism , model , motto , norm , notion , opinion , optimal , original , perfect , personification , principle , reflection , satisfactory , spiritualization , theoretical , thought , visionary
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