Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
characterized by or favoring prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors for use in beverages
Verb phrases
- anhydrous , arid , athirst , baked , bald , bare , barren , dehydrated , depleted , desert , desiccant , desiccated , drained , dried-up , droughty , dusty , evaporated , exhausted , hard , impoverished , juiceless , not irrigated , parched , rainless , sapless , sapped , sear , shriveled , stale , thirsty , torrid , unmoistened , waterless , apathetic , blah , boring , bromidic , draggy , dreary , dull as dishwater , ho hum , impassive , inelaborate , insipid , matter-of-fact , modest , monotonous , naked , phlegmatic , plain , simple , tedious , tiresome , trite , weariful , wearisome , acerbic , arcane , biting , caustic , cutting , cynical , deadpan , droll , harsh , humorous , ironical , keen , low-key , restrained , salty , sardonic , satirical , sharp , sly , sour , subtle , tart , bone-dry , moistureless , sere , grating , hoarse , jarring , rasping , raspy , raucous , rough , scratchy , squawky , strident , acerb , acetous , acid , acidulous , tangy , unadorned , unvarnished , unemotional , aseptic , colorless , drab , earthbound , flat , flavorless , lackluster , lifeless , lusterless , pedestrian , prosaic , spiritless , sterile , stodgy , unimaginative , uninspired , drear , dull , humdrum , irksome , stuffy , uninteresting , weary , arenaceous , brut , desiccative , dried , exsiccated , jejune , quaint , sec , shrewd , tame , vapid , xeric , xerotic
- anhydrate , bake , blot , concentrate , condense , dehumidify , dehydrate , deplete , desiccate , drain , empty , evaporate , exhaust , exsiccate , freeze-dry , harden , kiln , mummify , parch , scorch , sear , shrivel , soak up , sponge , stale , swab , torrefy , towel , wilt , wipe , wither , wizen , cake , concrete , congeal , indurate , petrify , set , solidify , arefy , arid , baked , bare , barren , biting , boring , cynical , depleted , droll , dull , dusty , evaporated , fruitless , infumate (dry in smoke) , insolate (dry in thesun) , moistureless , monotonous , parched , rainless , sapless , sarcastic , sec , sere , shriveled , teetotaler , thirsty , uninteresting , unproductive , vapid , waterless , withered , xeric , xerothermic
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