Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Informal .
- heterosexual.
- traditional; conventional.
- free from using narcotics.
- not engaged in crime; law-abiding; reformed.
- curved , indirect , twisted , corrupt , dishonest , unfair , unjust , disordered , disorderly , disorganized , diluted , mixed , different , unconventional , untraditional , circuitous. crooked , crooked , devious , oblique
- beeline * , collinear , consecutive , continuous , direct , erect , even , horizontal , in a line , in a row , inflexible , in line , invariable , level , like an arrow , lineal , linear , near , nonstop , perpendicular , plumb , precipitous , rectilineal , rectilinear , right , running , sheer , short , smooth , solid , square , straightforward , successive , through , true , unbent , unbroken , uncurled , undeviating , undistorted , uninterrupted , unrelieved , unswerving , upright , vertical , aboveboard , accurate , authentic , bald , blunt , candid , categorical , decent , equitable , fair and square , forthright , frank , good , honorable , just , law-abiding , moral , outright , plain , point-blank * , reliable , respectable , summary , trustworthy , unqualified , arranged , correct , exact , in order , neat , organized , put to rights , shipshape * , sorted , tidy , concentrated , out-and-out * , pure , strong , thoroughgoing , unadulterated , undiluted , unmodified , bourgeois , buttoned-down * , conservative , orthodox , traditional , flat , flush , planar , plane , downright , honest , ingenuous , man-to-man , open , plainspoken , straight-out , unreserved , button-down , conformist , establishmentarian , full-strength , unblended , unmixed , (slang) unmixed , arrowlike , clear , sagittal
- as the crow flies * , at once , away , dead * , direct , due , exactly , first off , forthwith , in direct line , instanter , instantly , lineally , now , point-blank * , right , right away , straightaway , straightforwardly , straightly , undeviatingly , candidly , frankly , in plain english , no holds barred , no punches , dead , bang , fair , flush , just , precisely , smack , square , squarely , aboveboard , accurate , aligned , beeline , blunt , candid , consecutive , continuous , continuously , conventional , correct , directly , erect , even , factual , frank , honest , honestly , honorably , immediately , level , linear , methodical , neat , nonstop , orderly , plain , reliable , rigid , sagittal , sequence , sound , successive , tidy , traditional , truthful , unbent , unbroken , undeviating , undiluted , uninterrupted , unmixed , unqualified , upright
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