Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
send forth,
- to produce; bear; yield
- plants sending forth new leaves.
- to dispatch out of a country as an export.
- to issue, as a publication
- They have sent forth a report to the stockholders.
- to emit or discharge
- The flowers sent forth a sweet odor.
send out,
- to distribute; issue.
- to send on the way; dispatch
- They sent out their final shipment last week.
- to order delivery
- We sent out for coffee.
send up,
- to release or cause to go upward; let out.
- Informal . to sentence or send to prison
- He was convicted and sent up for life.
- to expose the flaws or foibles of through parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, or other forms of satire
- The new movie sends up merchants who commercialize Christmas.
- accelerate , address , advance , assign , broadcast , cast , circulate , commission , commit , communicate , consign , convey , delegate , deliver , detail , direct , dispatch , drop , emit , expedite , express , fire , fling , forward , freight , get under way , give off , grant , hasten , hurl , hurry off , impart , issue , let fly , mail , post , propel , put out , radiate , relay , remit , route , rush off , ship , shoot , televise , troll , wire , charm , delight , electrify , enrapture , enthrall , enthuse , excite , intoxicate , move , ravish , stir , thrill , titillate , turn on , transmit , transfer , turn over , carry away , transport , bestow , carry , discharge , drive , inflict , launch , project , throw
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