Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all
any area in which few forms of life can exist because of lack of water, permanent frost, or absence of soil.
- arid , bare , desolate , infertile , lonely , solitary , sterile , uninhabited , unproductive , untilled , waste , wildnotes:that impoverished stretch of sand called a desert can only afford one \'s\'; that rich gooey extra thing at the end of the meal called a dessert indulges in two of them , barren , deserted , inarable
- arid region , badland , barren , barren land , flats , lava bed , sahara , sand dunes , solitude , wild , wilderness , wildsnotes:that impoverished stretch of sand called a desert can only afford one \'s\'; that rich gooey extra thing at the end of the meal called a dessert indulges in two of them , badlands , waste , wasteland , comeuppance , guerdon , recompense , reward , wage , abandonment , abdication , abrogation , abscondence , absentation , absquatulation , apostasy , defection , desertion , due , meed , merit , renunciation , tergiversation
- abscond , apostatize , bail out * , beach , betray , bolt , check out * , chuck , cop out * , crawl out , decamp , depart , duck * , escape , flee , fly , forsake , give up , go , go awol , go back on , go over the hill , go west , jilt , leave , leave high and dry , leave in the lurch , leave stranded , light , maroon , opt out , play truant , pull out , quit , relinquish , renounce , resign , run out on , sneak off , split * , strand , take a hike , take off , tergiversate , throw over , vacate , violate oath , walknotes:that impoverished stretch of sand called a desert can only afford one \'s\'; that rich gooey extra thing at the end of the meal called a dessert indulges in two of them , renegade , turn , abandon , abdicate , absquatulate , barren , defect , deserved , elope , merited , punishment , renege , reward , run away from , sand , split , wasteland
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