Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used without object)
- break , halt , holiday , sojourn , stop , stopover , vacation , deferment , pause , postponement , remission , reprieve , standstill , stopping , suspension , brace , buttress , column , hold , prop , reinforcement , shore , shoring , stanchion , truss , underpropping , cessation , check , cut-off , discontinuance , discontinuation , stoppage , surcease , visit , adjournment , deferral , waiver , crutch , underpinning
- abide , bide , bunk , continue , dally , delay , endure , establish oneself , halt , hang , hang about , hang around , hang in , hang out , hold the fort , hover , lag , last , linger , loiter , nest , outstay , pause , perch , procrastinate , put down roots , remain , reprieve , reside , respite , roost * , settle , sit tight * , sojourn , squat , stand , stay out , stay put , stick around * , stop , sweat * , sweat it out , tarry , be accommodated , dwell , live , lodge , put up , stop over , adjourn , arrest , check , curb , defer , detain , discontinue , hinder , hold , hold over , impede , intermit , interrupt , obstruct , postpone , prevent , prorogue , put off , shelve , stall , suspend , ward off , wait , go on , hold out , persist , visit , belay , cease , surcease , hold off , hold up , remit , table , waive , appease , block , brace , buttress , cable , column , deferment , fasten , forbear , permanence , prop , rest , restrain , retard , rope , satisfy , secure , stem , stopover , strengthen , strut , support , sustain , truss , uphold , withhold , withstand
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