Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- abdicate , abjure , abnegate , abstain from , apostacize , arrogate , cast off , decline , defect , demit , deny , desert , disavow , discard , disclaim , disown , divorce oneself from , drop out , dump * , eschew , forgo , forsake , forswear , give up , leave flat , leave off , opt out , quit , rat * , recant , relinquish , repudiate , resign , sell out * , spurn , swear off , take the pledge , tergiversate , tergiverse , throw off , throw over , toss over , turn , waive , walk out on , wash hands ofnotes:renounce often equals abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown and may imply a sacrifice for a greater end , abandon , cede , hand over , quitclaim , render , surrender , yield , disacknowledge , reject , abrogate , apostatize , cease , forego , redo , rescind , retract
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