Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Machinery, Building Trades .
- a shaftlike tool with two or more cutting edges for making holes in firm materials, esp. by rotation.
- a tool, esp. a hand tool, for holding and operating such a tool.
Military .
- training in formal marching or other precise military or naval movements.
- an exercise in such training
- gun drill.
Verb (used with object)
- assignment , call , conditioning , constitutional , daily dozen * , discipline , dress , drilling , dry run * , gym , homework , instruction , learning by doing , maneuvers , marching , preparation , repetition , run-through , shakedown * , training , tryout , warm-up , workout , auger , awl , bit , borer , corkscrew , countersink , dibble , gimlet , implement , jackhammer , punch , riveter , rotary tool , trepan , trephine , wimble , exercise , rehearsal , study
- accustom , break , break in , exercise , get into shape , habituate , hone , instruct , lick into shape , practice , rehearse , teach , tune up , walk through , work out , dig , penetrate , perforate , pierce , prick , punch , puncture , sink in , train , inculcate , drive , implant , instill , pound , auger , bit , bore , borer , channel , discipline , hit , locating , maneuvers , repetition , tool , tutor , workout
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