Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- access , barge in , bayonet , blow in , bore , break in , breeze in , bust in , charge , come , crack , diffuse , drill , drive , eat through , encroach , enter , filter in , force , get in , gore , go through , impale , infiltrate , ingress , insert , insinuate , introduce , invade , jab , knife , make a hole , make an entrance , pass through , percolate , perforate , permeate , pervade , pop in , prick , probe , puncture , ream , run into , saturate , seep , sink into , spear , stab , stick into , suffuse , thrust , trespassnotes:the difference between permeate and pervade is that the former is affecting a surface , the latter an area; a characteristic of penetrate is that it is effected upon a solid substance , affect , become clear , come across * , comprehend , decipher , discern , fathom , figure out , get across * , get over * , get through , get to the bottom , grasp , impress , perceive , put over , see through , sink in * , soak in * , touch , unravel , work outnotes:the difference between permeate and pervade is that the former is affecting a surface , break , pierce , come in , go in , absorb , explore , imbue , interpenetrate , stick , understand
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