Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural -ties.
the binding or obligatory force of something that is morally or legally right; moral or legal obligation.
Military .
- an assigned task, occupation, or place of service
- He was on radar duty for two years.
- the military service required of a citizen by a country
- After graduation, he began his duty.
- burden , business , calling , charge , chore , commission , commitment , committal , contract , devoir , dues , engagement , function , hook * , job , load , millstone * , minding the store , mission , must , need , obligation , occupation , office , onus , ought , pains , part , province , role , service , station , string * , taking care of business , task , trouble , trust , undertaking , weight , work , assessment , custom , customs , due , excise , impost , levy , rate , revenue , tariff , toll , accountability , accountableness , allegiance , amenability , answerability , call of duty , conscience , deference , faithfulness , good faith , honesty , integrity , liability , loyalty , obedience , pledge , respect , reverence , imperative , responsibility , assignment , stint , application , employment , use , utilization , deontology , detail , dharma , fealty , honor , incumbency , noblesse oblige , objective , piety , promise , purpose , shift , tax , trick , watch
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