Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- affection , angle , article , aspect , attribute , character , component , constituent , detail , differential , earmark * , element , facet , factor , gag * , gimmick , hallmark , idiosyncrasy , individuality , ingredient , integrant , item , mark , notability , particularity , peculiarity , point , property , quality , savor , slant * , speciality , specialty , trait , twist * , unit , virtuenotes:the opener comes first in a three-comic show , followed by the feature , followed by the headliner , big show , crowd puller , draw , drawing card , headliner , innovation , main item , prominent part , specialtynotes:the opener comes first in a three-comic show , column , comment , piece , report , storynotes:the opener comes first in a three-comic show , countenance , muzzle , visage , characteristic , lead , appearance , eccentricity , facies , habitus , landmark , lineament , oddity , physiognomy , physique , redeeming feature , singularity , topography
- accentuate , advertise , blaze * , call attention to , emphasize , headline * , italicize , make conspicuous , mark , play up * , point up * , present , promote , set off * , spotlight * , star , stress , underline , underscorenotes:the opener comes first in a three-comic show , followed by the feature , followed by the headliner , accent , highlight , play up , point up , underscore , conceive , envisage , envision , fancy , fantasize , image , picture , see , think , vision , visualize , angle , aspect , attribute , character , characteristic , column , component , countenance , detail , element , facet , factor , hallmark , headline , idiosyncrasy , lineament , outline , story , trait
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