Play up
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Verb phrases
play around, Informal .
- to behave in a playful or frivolous manner; fool around.
- to be sexually promiscuous.
- to be sexually unfaithful.
play at,
- to pretend interest in
- It's obvious that you're just playing at fishing for my sake.
- to do something without seriousness
- He is merely playing at being a student.
play off,
- Sports . to play an extra game or round in order to settle a tie.
- Sports . to engage in an elimination game or games after the regular season is over in order to determine the champion.
- to set (one person or thing) against another, usually for one's own gain or advantage
- The children could usually get what they wanted by playing one parent off against the other.
come to play
- Informal . to be disposed to play or participate in a manner reflecting a determination to win or succeed
- We're a small new business, but we came to play.
make a play for
- Informal .
- to try to attract, esp. sexually
- He made a play for his friend's girlfriend.
- to attempt to gain by impressing favorably
- This ad will make a play for new consumer markets.
play by ear, to play (music or a musical instrument) without printed music
- as by memory of what one has heard or by unschooled musical instinct.
played out
- exhausted; weary.
- out of fashion; hackneyed
- New styles in clothing are soon played out in New York.
- used up; finished
- The original tires were played out and had to be replaced.
play for time
- to prolong something in order to gain an advantage; forestall an event or decision
- Their maneuvering at the conference was obviously calculated to play for time.
play into the hands of, to act in such a way as to give an advantage to (someone
- esp. an opponent)
- If you lose your temper when he insults you, you will be playing right into his hands. Also, play into (someone's) hands.
play it by ear, to improvise
- esp. in a challenging situation when confronted by unknown factors
- If you can't come up with a plan, we'll just have to play it by ear.
- accentuate , bring to the fore , call attention to , feature , highlight , italicize , magnify , make a production of , point up , stress , turn spotlight on , underline , underscore , play
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