Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- anchorage , arm , bay , bight , breakwater , chuck , cove , dock , embankment , firth , gulf , haven , inlet , jetty , landing , mooring , pier , port , road , roadstead , wharfnotes:harbor first meant \'shelter\' and \'lodging\' and that is how the word first entered english place-names , as a \'place of shelter; refuge\' for a crowd of people; a port is a haven for vessels and it is equipped for loading and unloading ships , while a harbor is a haven for vessels but does not necessarily have onshore facilities , asylum , cover , covert , harborage , refuge , retreat , sanctuary , sanctum , security , shelternotes:harbor first meant \'shelter\' and \'lodging\' and that is how the word first entered english place-names , protection , shelter
- accommodate , board , bunk , conceal , defend , domicile , entertain , guard , hold back , house , lodge , nurse , nurture , provide refuge , put up , quarter , relieve , safeguard , screen , secrete , secure , shelter , shield , suppress , withholdnotes:harbor first meant \'shelter\' and \'lodging\' and that is how the word first entered english place-names , as a \'place of shelter; refuge\' for a crowd of people; a port is a haven for vessels and it is equipped for loading and unloading ships , while a harbor is a haven for vessels but does not necessarily have onshore facilities , believe , brood over , cherish , cling to , consider , foster , hold , imagine , maintain , regard , retainnotes:harbor first meant \'shelter\' and \'lodging\' and that is how the word first entered english place-names , haven , bed , berth , bestow , billet , room , nourish , basin , bay , cove , dock , gulf , hide , inlet , landing , lodging , mooring , port , protect , refuge , retreat , sanctuary , seaport , withhold
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