Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- board , contain , domicile , entertain , furnish , harbor , hold , house , put up * , quarter , receive , rent , shelter , supply , take in , welcome , accord , accustom , adapt , adjust , agree , attune , bend over backwards * , comply , compose , conform , coordinate , correspond , don’t make waves , don’t rock the boat , fit , go by the book , go with the flow , harmonize , integrate , make consistent , modify , play the game , proportion , reconcile , settle , shape up , suit , tailor , tailor-make , tune , afford , aid , arrange , assist , avail , benefit , bow , comfort , convenience , defer , favor , gratify , help , humor , indulge , oblige , pamper , please , provide , serve , submit , support , sustain , yield , bed , berth , bestow , billet , bunk , lodge , put up , room , acclimate , acclimatize , fashion , square , change , give , lend
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