Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
- all-fired , arrant , blasted , blessed * , blooming * , complete , confounded , consummate , downright , entire , flat-out * , infernal , out-and-out * , perfect , pure , sheer , stark , straight-out , thorough , thoroughgoing , total , unmitigated , unqualified , absolute , all-out , crashing , damned , dead , flat , out-and-out , outright , plain , unbounded , unequivocal , unlimited , unrelieved , unreserved , effable , incarnate , peremptory , pluperfect , rank , unconditional , unspeakable , uttermost
- affirm , air , announce , articulate , assert , asseverate , blurt , bring out , chime , chin * , come out with * , declaim , declare , deliver , disclose , divulge , ejaculate , enunciate , exclaim , express , give words to , go , jaw * , lip * , make known , modulate , mouth * , mutter , proclaim , promulgate , pronounce , publish , put into words , recite , shout , speak , spiel * , state , talk , throw out , verbalize , vocalize , voice , whisper , say , communicate , convey , tell , vent , absolute , complete , downright , emit , extreme , issue , mumble , out-and-out , outright , peremptory , perfect , phonate , rank , reveal , sheer , stark , total , unmitigated , unqualified
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