Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Law .
- to release (a defendant, esp. one under confinement).
- to release (a bankrupt) from former debts.
- to cancel (a contract).
- to release (bail).
the act of firing a weapon, as an arrow by drawing and releasing the string of the bow, or a gun by exploding the charge of powder.
Law .
- an acquittal or exoneration.
- an annulment, as of a court order.
- the freeing of one held under legal process.
- hold , imprisonment , incarceration , keep , retention , assignment , delegation , employment , engagement , hiring , loading , damming , indebtedness , owing
- acquittal , clearance , disimprisonment , exoneration , liberation , pardon , parole , probation , release , remittance , ax , bounce , bum’s rush , cong , demobilization , ejection , gate , old heave ho , pink slip * , the boot , the door , walking papers * , barrage , blast , burst , explosion , firing , fusillade , report , salvo , shot , shower , volley , elimination , emission , emptying , excretion , exudation , flow , ooze , pus , secretion , seepage , suppuration , vent , voiding , disburdening , unburdening , unlading , accomplishment , achievement , execution , fulfillment , observance , performance , disbursement , liquidation , satisfaction , settlement
- absolve , acquit , allow to go , clear , disimprison , dismiss , emancipate , exonerate , expel , liberate , loose , loosen , manumit , oust , pardon , release , unbind , unchain , unshackle , ax , boot out , bounce , bump , bust , can * , cashier , disburden , discard , disencumber , dispense , displace , eject , excuse , exempt , fire , freeze out , give one notice , kick out , lay off , let go , let off , let one go , let out , lock out , nix * , privilege from , relieve , remove , replace , ride out on rail , run out of town , show the door , spare , supersede , supplant , terminate , unload , blast , explode , set off , shoot , shoot off , break out , disembogue , ejaculate , emit , empty , erupt , excrete , exude , give off , gush , leak , ooze , send forth , spew , void , vomit , carry away , off-load , remove cargo , send , take away , take off , unburden , unlade , unpack , unship , unstow , accomplish , achieve , do , execute , fulfill , meet , observe , perform , honor , liquidate , pay up , quit , satisfy , square up , abrogate , annul , cancel , dissolve , quash , render void , vacate , dump , demobilize , muster out , separate , flow , issue
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