Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- affable , agreeable , amiable , benign , biddable , bland , compassionate , considerate , cool * , cultivated , disciplined , docile , domesticated , dove-like , easy , genial , humane , kindly , laid back , lenient , manageable , meek , mellow , merciful , moderate , pacific , peaceful , placid , pleasant , pleasing , pliable , quiet , soft , softhearted , sweet-tempered , sympathetic , tame , taught , temperate , tender , tractable , trained , warmheartednotes:genteel means marked by refinement in taste and manners; a gentile is a person who does not acknowledge your god or denotes a christian as contrasted with a jew; gentle means soft and mild or having or showing a kindly or tender nature , balmy , calm , clement , delicate , faint , feeble , gradual , halcyon , hushed , imperceptible , light , low , low-pitched , low-toned , mild , muted , sensitive , serene , slight , slow , smooth , soothing , subdued , tranquil , untroublednotes:genteel means marked by refinement in taste and manners; a gentile is a person who does not acknowledge your god or denotes a christian as contrasted with a jew; gentle means soft and mild or having or showing a kindly or tender nature , aristocratic , blue-blooded * , brahmin , courteous , cultured , elegant , genteel , highborn , highbred , noble , polished , polite , refined , upper-class , well-born , well-brednotes:genteel means marked by refinement in taste and manners; a gentile is a person who does not acknowledge your god or denotes a christian as contrasted with a jew; gentle means soft and mild or having or showing a kindly or tender nature , tenderhearted , chivalric , chivalrous , conciliatory , courtly , deferential , fair , harmless , high-born , honorable , kind , pat , peaceable , sweet , tamed , unobtrusive
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