Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Mining .
- an excavation made in exploring for or removing a mineral deposit, as by open-cut methods.
- the shaft of a coal mine.
- the mine itself.
the pits, Slang . an extremely unpleasant, boring, or depressing place, condition, person, etc.; the absolute worst
an enclosure, usually below the level of the spectators, as for staging fights between dogs, cocks, or, formerly, bears.
(in a commodity exchange) a part of the floor of the exchange where trading in a particular commodity takes place
Architecture .
- all that part of the main floor of a theater behind the musicians.
- British . the main floor of a theater behind the stalls.
- orchestra ( def. 2a ) .
Bowling . the sunken area of a bowling alley behind the pins, for the placement or recovery of pins that have been knocked down.
- abyss , chasm , crater , dent , depression , dimple , excavation , grave , gulf , hell , hollow , indentation , mine , perforation , pockmark , pothole , puncture , shaft , tomb , trench , well , basin , concavity , dip , sag , sink , sinkhole , cesspit , cesspool , kernel , pip , cavity , endocarp , foxhole , hole , lacuna , parquet , putamen , quarry , stone
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