Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Cookery .
- (of pastry and the like) crisp and flaky; breaking or crumbling readily from being made with a large proportion of butter or other shortening.
- (of dough) containing a relatively large amount of shortening.
Stock Exchange .
- not possessing at the time of sale commodities or stocks that one sells.
- noting or pertaining to a sale of commodities or stocks that the seller does not possess, depending for profit on a decline in prices.
Phonetics .
- lasting a relatively short time
- Bit has a shorter vowel-sound than bid or bead.
- belonging to a class of sounds considered as usually shorter in duration than another class, as the vowel of but as compared to that of bought, and in many languages serving as a distinctive feature of phonemes, as the a in German Bann in contrast with the ah in Bahn, or the t in Italian fato in contrast with the tt in fatto ( opposed to long ).
- having the sound of the English vowels in bat, bet, bit, hot, but, and put, historically descended from vowels that were short in duration.
- trousers, knee-length or shorter.
- short pants worn by men as an undergarment.
- knee breeches, formerly worn by men.
- Finance . short-term bonds.
- Mining . crushed ore failing to pass through a given screen, thus being of a larger given size than a specific grade. Compare fine ( def. 29a ) .
- remnants, discards, or refuse of various cutting and manufacturing processes.
come or fall short
- to fail to reach a particular standard.
- to prove insufficient; be lacking
- Her funds fell short, and she had to wire home for help.
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