Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
(of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive
complex or intricate, as a system, process, piece of machinery, or the like
- a sophisticated electronic control system.
- adult , artificial , been around , blas , bored , citified , cool * , couth , cultivated , cynical , disenchanted , disillusioned , experienced , in , in the know , into * , jaded , jet-set , knowing , laid-back * , mature , mondaine , on to , practical , practiced , refined , schooled , seasoned , sharp , skeptical , smooth , stagy , streetwise , studied , suave , svelte , switched on , uptown , urbane , well-bred , wised up , wise to , with it * , worldly , worldly wise , world-weary , complicated , delicate , elaborate , highly developed , intricate , involved , knotty , labyrinthine , modern , multifaceted , subtle , cosmopolitan , worldly-wise , adulterated , alloyed , doctored , loaded , cerebral , thoughtful , advanced , chichi , civilized , complex , continental , cultured , debonair , fashionable , hep , highbrow , knowledgeable , precocious
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