Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
an interlacing, twining, looping, etc., of a cord, rope, or the like, drawn tight into a knob or lump, for fastening, binding, or connecting two cords together or a cord to something else.
a protuberance in the tissue of a plant; an excrescence on a stem, branch, or root; a node or joint in a stem, esp. when of swollen form.
any of various fungal diseases of trees characterized by the formation of an excrescence, knob, or gnarl.
- bond , braid , bunch , coil , connection , contortion , entanglement , gnarl , helix , hitch , joint , kink , ligament , ligature , link , mat , nexus , perplexity , rosette , screw , snag , snarl , spiral , splice , tangle , tie , twirl , twist , vinculum , warp , whirl , whorl , yokenotes:a nautical mile is also a geological mile or admiralty mile ; a knot is the unit for measuring nautical miles , aggregation , assemblage , assortment , band , circle , clique , clump , cluster , collection , company , crew , gang , gathering , group , heap , mass , mob , pack , pile , set , squad , swarm , tuftnotes:a nautical mile is also a geological mile or admiralty mile ; a knot is the unit for measuring nautical miles , yoke , array , batch , bevy , body , bundle , clutch , lot , party , cat\'s cradle , jungle , labyrinth , maze , mesh , morass , skein , web , jut , knob , overhang , projection , protrusion , protuberance , hump , lump , nub , swelling , burl , complication , excrescence , exostosis , gibbosity , gordian knot , intricacy , knag , knur , knurl , node , nodosity , nodule , tuft
- bind , cord , entangle , knit , loop , secure , tat , tether , tienotes:a nautical mile is also a geological mile or admiralty mile ; a knot is the unit for measuring nautical miles , fasten , tie up , bond , bow , braid , burl , contortion , crowd , entanglement , gnarl , group , hitch , knob , knur , knurl , link , lump , mesh , node , nodule , protuberance , puzzle , rosette , snag , snarl , tangle , tie
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