Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
- abruptness , amazement , astonishment , astoundment , attack , awe , bewilderment , bombshell , consternation , curiosity , curveball , disappointment , disillusion , eye-opener , fortune , godsend * , incredulity , jolt * , kick * , marvel , miracle , miscalculation , phenomenon , portent , precipitance , precipitation , precipitousness , prodigy , rarity , revelation , shock , start , stupefaction , suddenness , thunderbolt * , unexpected , unforeseen , whammy * , wonder , wondermentnotes:amaze once meant \'alarm , terrify\' but now means \'astonish\'; surprise means \'meet with suddenly or without warning\' , coup de main , deus ex machina , thunderclap , trouvaille
- amaze , astound , awe , bewilder , blow away , bowl over * , cause wonder , confound , confuse , consternate , daze , dazzle , discomfit , disconcert , dismay , dumbfound , electrify , flabbergast , floor , jar , jolt , leave aghast , leave open-mouthed , nonplus , overwhelm , perplex , petrify , rattle , rock , shake up , shock , spring something on , stagger , startle , strike dumb , strike with awe , stun , stupefy , take aback , take one’s breath away , throw a curve , unsettlenotes:amaze once meant \'alarm , terrify\' but now means \'astonish\'; surprise means \'meet with suddenly or without warning\' , ambush , burst in on , bushwhack , capture , catch in the act , catch off-balance , catch off-guard , catch red-handed , catch unawares , come down on , discover , drop in on , grab , grasp , lay for , lie in wait , nab , seize , spring on , take , take by surprise , waylaynotes:amaze once meant \'alarm , catch , hit on , ambuscade , waylay , astonish , alarm , baffle , blow , bombshell , dumfound , evince , fluster , miracle , overcome , perturb , rivet , storm , unexpected , unsettle , wonder
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