Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Việt.
(đổi hướng từ (the)Chuyên ngành
Adj. (called the definite article)1 denoting one or more persons or things already mentioned,under discussion, implied, or familiar (gave the man a wave;shall let the matter drop; hurt myself in the arm; went to thetheatre).
A (foll. by defining adj.) which is, who are, etc.(ignored the embarrassed Mr Smith; Edward the Seventh). b(foll. by adj. used absol.) denoting a class described (from thesublime to the ridiculous).
Best known or best entitled tothe name (with the stressed: no relation to the Kipling; this isthe book on this subject).
Used to indicate a followingdefining clause or phrase (the book that you borrowed; the bestI can do for you; the bottom of a well).
A used to indicatethat a singular noun represents a species, class, etc. (the catloves comfort; has the novel a future?; plays the harp well). bused with a noun which figuratively represents an occupation,pursuit, etc. (went on the stage; too fond of the bottle). c(foll. by the name of a unit) a, per (5p in the pound; œ5 thesquare metre; allow 8 minutes to the mile). d colloq. orarchaic designating a disease, affliction, etc. (the measles;the toothache; the blues).
(foll. by a unit of time) thepresent, the current (man of the moment; questions of the day;book of the month).
Dial. (esp. in Wales) used witha noun characterizing the occupation of the person whose nameprecedes (Jones the Bread).
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