• Revision as of 19:30, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Admin (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    Phân biệt
    to distinguish one thing from another
    phân biệt vật này với vật khác
    Nghe ra, nhận ra
    to distinguish someone among the crowd
    nhận ra ai giữa đám đông
    ( + into) chia thành, xếp thành (loại...)
    to distinguish men into classes
    chia con người ra thành gia cấp
    to distinguish oneself
    tự làm nổi bật, làm cho người ta chú ý

    Nội động từ

    ( + between) phân biệt, nhận định sự khác nhau (giữa...)

    Chuyên ngành

    Kỹ thuật chung

    phân biệt

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Differentiate, discriminate, tell the difference, tellapart, determine, judge, decide, tell who's who or what's what:He is still unable to distinguish between his own twindaughters.
    Classify, categorize, characterize, individualize,mark, identify, define, designate, denote, indicate, separate,single out, set apart; grade, group: The male is distinguishedby his brighter colouring.
    Sense, make out, perceive,discern, pick out, recognize, identify, detect, notice; see,espy, descry; hear; smell; taste; feel: I could distinguish twopeople in the dark.
    Call attention to, identify, mark, setapart, separate, segregate, indicate, particularize: Shedistinguished herself by her great beauty and her awful voice.


    Tr. (often foll. by from) a see or point out thedifference of; draw distinctions (cannot distinguish one fromthe other). b constitute such a difference (the moledistinguishes him from his twin). c draw distinctions between;differentiate.
    Tr. be a mark or property of; characterize(distinguished by his greed).
    Tr. discover by listening,looking, etc. (could distinguish two voices).
    Tr. (usu.refl.; often foll. by by) make prominent or noteworthy(distinguished himself by winning first prize).
    Tr. (oftenfoll. by into) divide; classify.
    Intr. (foll. by between)make or point out a difference between.
    Distinguishable adj.[F distinguer or L distinguere (as DIS-, stinguere stinct-extinguish): cf. EXTINGUISH]

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