Cast out
Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Angling .
- to throw out (a fishing line, net, bait, etc.)
- The fisherman cast his line.
- to fish in (a stream, an area, etc.)
- He has often cast this brook.
Theater .
- to select actors for (a play, motion picture, or the like).
- to allot a role to (an actor).
- to assign an actor to (a role).
to form (an object) by pouring metal, plaster, etc., in a fluid state into a mold and letting it harden.
to form (metal, plaster, etc.) into a particular shape by pouring it into a mold in a fluid state and letting it harden.
Medicine/Medical . a rigid surgical dressing, usually made of bandage treated with plaster of Paris.
Verb phrases
cast about,
- to look, as to find something; search; seek
- We cast about for something to do during the approaching summer vacation.
- to scheme; plan
- He cast about how he could avoid work.
cast away,
- Also, cast aside. to reject; discard.
- to shipwreck.
- to throw away; squander
- He will cast away this money just as he has done in the past.
cast off,
- to discard; reject.
- to let go or let loose, as a vessel from a mooring.
- Printing . to determine the quantity of type or space that a given amount of text will occupy when set.
- Textiles . to make (the final stitches) in completing a knitted fabric.
- to throw (a falcon) off from the fist to pursue game.
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