Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb phrase
fit out or up, to furnish with supplies, equipment, clothing, furniture, or other requisites; supply; equip
- to fit out an expedition.
- inadequate , inappropriate , incorrect , unfit , unsuitable , unsuited , unworthy , poor , weak
- able , adapted , adequate , advantageous , apposite , apt , becoming , befitting , beneficial , capable , comely , comme il faut , competent , conformable , convenient , correct , correspondent , deserving , desirable , due , equipped , equitable , expedient , favorable , feasible , felicitous , fitted , fitting , good enough , happy , just , likely , meet , opportune , practicable , preferable , prepared , proper , qualified , ready , right , rightful , seasonable , seemly , tasteful , timely , trained , well-suited , wise , worthy , able-bodied , fit as a fiddle , hale , in good condition , muscled , robust , slim , sound , strapping * , toned , trim , up to snuff , well , wholesome , wrapped tight , tailor-made , appropriate , good , suitable , useful , deserved , merited , healthful , hearty , whole
- access , attack , blow , bout , burst , caprice , conniption , convulsion , epileptic attack , frenzy , humor , jumps , mood , outbreak , outburst , paroxysm , rage , rush , spasm , spate , spell , stroke , tantrum , throe , torrent , turn , twitch , whim , whimsy
- accord , agree , answer , apply , be apposite , be apt , become , be comfortable , be consonant , befit , be in keeping , click * , concur , conform , consist , dovetail * , go , go together , go with , harmonize , have its place , interlock , join , match , meet , parallel , relate , respond , set , suit , tally , accommodate , accoutre , arm , fix , furnish , get , implement , kit out , make , make up , outfit , prepare , provide , ready , rig * , adjust , alter , arrange , dispose , fashion , modify , place , position , quadrate , reconcile , shape , square , tailor , tailor-make , prime , accouter , appoint , equip , fit out , gear , rig , turn out , check , chime , comport with , correspond , acclimate , acclimatize , dovetail
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