Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- calm , easy , free , manageable , plain , simple , uncomplicated , straightforward , friendly , sociable , facile , light
- ambitious , arduous , backbreaker , bothersome , burdensome , challenging , crucial , demanding , difficile , easier said than done , effortful , exacting , formidable , galling , gargantuan * , hard-won , heavy , herculean * , immense , intricate , irritating , labored , laborious , no picnic , not easy , onerous , operose , painful , problem , problematic , prohibitive , rigid , severe , stiff , strenuous , titanic , toilsome , tough , troublesome , trying , unyielding , uphill , upstream , wearisome , abstract , abstruse , baffling , bewildering , complex , confounding , confusing , dark , deep , delicate , enigmatic , enigmatical , entangled , esoteric , hard to explain , hard to solve , hidden , inexplicable , involved , knotty , labyrinthine , loose , meandering , mysterious , mystical , mystifying , nice , obscure , obstinate , paradoxical , perplexing , problematical , profound , puzzling , rambling , subtle , tangled , thorny , ticklish , unclear , unfathomable , unintelligible , vexing , argumentative , bearish , boorish , fastidious , finicky , fractious , fussy , grim , hard to please , impolite , intractable , irritable , oafish , obstreperous , perverse , picky , refractory , rude , tiresome , unaccommodating , unamenable , hard , serious , tall , backbreaking , exigent , oppressive , rigorous , rough , taxing , weighty , incommodious , balky , contrarious , froward , impossible , ornery , wayward , arcane , byzantine , complicated , convoluted , cranky , delphic , devastating , elusive , frenetic , hairy , hectic , herculean , impalpable , incorrigible , murderous , occult , opaque , oracular , overwhelming , recondite , scabrous , stubborn , tortuous , uncompliant , unmanageable , vicissitudinous
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