Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- complex , complicated , hidden , intricate , obscured , unclear , vague , abstruse , ambiguous , incomprehensible , imperceptible , obscure , abnormal , difficult , extraordinary , uncommon , decorated , dressed-up , embellished , formal , ornate , attractive , beautiful , pretty , cryptic , elaborate , enigmatic , equivocal , indecipherable , indistinct , inexplicable , luxurious
- apparent , audible , big as life , broad , comprehensible , definite , distinct , evident , legible , lucid , manifest , open , open-and-shut * , palpable , patent , talking turkey , transparent , understandable , visiblenotes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , both ultimately coming from latin planus \'flat\' or \'clear\' , abrupt , artless , blunt , candid , direct , forthright , frank , guileless , honest , impolite , ingenuous , outspoken , rude , sincerenotes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , average , common , commonplace , conventional , dull , homely , lowly , modest , ordinary , quotidian , routine , simple , traditional , usual , vanilla * , white-bread , workadaynotes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , austere , bare , bare bones * , clean , discreet , dry , muted , pure , restrained , severe , spartan , stark , stripped down , unvarnished , vanilla *notes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , deformed , hard on the eyes , not beautiful , plain-featurednotes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , clear , clear-cut , crystal clear , noticeable , observable , obvious , pronounced , visible , unmistakable , unassuming , unostentatious , unpretentious , bald , unadorned , absolute , perfect , sheer , unadulterated , undiluted , unmixed , full-strength , neat , unblended , cut-and-dried , formulaic , garden , garden-variety , indifferent , mediocre , run-of-the-mill , standard , stock , undistinguished , unexceptional , unremarkable , unattractive , uncomely , unlovely , all-out , arrant , complete , consummate , crashing , damned , dead , downright , flat , out-and-out , outright , thorough , thoroughgoing , total , unbounded , unequivocal , unlimited , unmitigated , unqualified , unrelieved , unreserved , conspicuous , even , explicit , frugal , ingenious , level , literal , mere , nondescript , perspicacious , plane , salient , smooth , unaffected , unalluring , undesigning , unembellished , unembroidered , unfigured , ungarnished , untrimmed , unvaried
- champaign , expanse , field , flat , flatland , grassland , heath , level , meadow , moor , moorland , open country , plateau , prairie , steppe , tundranotes:plane is essentially the same word as plain , both ultimately coming from latin planus \'flat\' or \'clear\' , apparent , austere , average , bald , bare , basic , blunt , broad , camass , campagna , campaign , candid , clear , coarse , direct , distinct , downright , downs , even , evident , explicit , fair , frank , genuine , glaring , gross , guileless , homely , homemade , homespun , homey , honest , humble , ingenuous , legible , llano , manifest , mere , modest , nondescript , obvious , open , ordinary , outspoken , pampas , patent , peneplain , primitive , pure , savanna , simple , straight , straightforward , transparent , tundra , unadorned , unaffected , unassuming , unattractive , undisguised , unembellished , unmistakable , unvarnished , veldt
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