Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Adjective, nicer, nicest.
showing or indicating very small differences; minutely accurate, as instruments
- a job that requires nice measurements.
- bad , disagreeable , horrible , nasty , repulsive , unlikable , unpleasant , disordered , imprecise , unmannerly , unrefined
- admirable , amiable , approved , attractive , becoming , charming , commendable , considerate , copacetic , cordial , courteous , decorous , delightful , ducky , fair , favorable , fine and dandy , friendly , genial , gentle , good , gracious , helpful , ingratiating , inviting , kind , kindly , lovely , nifty * , obliging , okay * , peachy * , pleasant , pleasurable , polite , prepossessing , seemly , simpatico , superior , swell , unpresumptuous , welcome , well-mannered , winning , winsome , accurate , befitting , careful , choosy , conforming , correct , critical , cultured , dainty , decent , delicate , discerning , discriminating , distinguishing , exact , exacting , fastidious , fine , finespun , finical , finicking , finicky * , fussy * , genteel , hairsplitting * , meticulous , minute , particular , persnickety * , picky * , proper , respectable , right , rigorous , scrupulous , squeamish , strict , subtle , tidy , trim , trivial * , virtuous , well-bred , congenial , grateful , gratifying , pleasing , satisfying , high-grade , comely , comme il faut , de rigueur , modest , pure , virgin , virginal , finicky , fussy , persnickety , refined , agreeable , appealing , demure , difficult , elegant , enjoyable , exquisite , finished , likable , neat , peachy , picky , precious , precise , profligate , punctilious , queasy , skillful , wanton , warmhearted
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